An Online Honors Society 

NSLS LogoThe National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS) is the nation's largest leadership honor society. Seton Hill students can participate in this honors society online.

In addition to honorable distinction, the NSLS provides a step-by-step program for members to build their leadership skills through participation at their campus or online. Upon completion of the program, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top student leaders at their campus and across the country.  Members can list their affiliation on all statements of personal accomplishment, including their resume.  

Membership also provides access to benefits including scholarships and awards, exclusive on-campus events, employer recruitment through an online job bank, and discounts on computers, textbooks, grad school prep courses, insurance and more. 

The NSLS is the largest leadership honor society in the United States. Our NSLS chapter at Seton Hill University was started in 2020. 

Students are selected based on exemplary academic achievement. As of 2021 we have 342 members who have access to:

The NSLS leadership program teaches the interpersonal skills that employers seek to give you an edge in the job market. Hear directly from current members as they share how their experience has changed their life.

If you become a member, benefits include:

  • Learning from exceptional leaders like former President Barack Obama during exclusive Speaker Broadcasts.
  • Meeting new friends and making lifelong connections (on-campus and virtually).
  • Overcoming challenges with success coaches shortcutting your way to success.
  • Private networking events.

Visit the NSLS website to learn more about and accept your nomination. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the common questions we receive are listed below. If you have any other questions, visit to chat with a team member, email, or visit the FAQ section of the NSLS site.

What do I have to do to become inducted?

  • Our five-step program takes approximately 12 hours over the course of the semester at your pace. 

Is this recognized on campus?

  • We are a Registered Student Organization (RSO). As of 2021, we had 342 in our chapter and there are more than 1.4 million members nationwide.

To contact the Office of Graduate and Online Studies, please call us at (724) 838-4208 or email us at